Executive Talent Search & Digital Marketing for Mission-Driven Organizations | 3 Common Mistakes Hiring Managers Make When Interviewing Candidates and How to Fix Them

3 Common Mistakes Hiring Managers Make When Interviewing Candidates and How to Fix Them

Hiring the right candidates is crucial for the success and growth of any organization. Unfortunately, many hiring managers unknowingly make mistakes during the interview process, which can lead to hiring someone who isn’t the best fit for the role or organization.


In this blog, I’ll discuss three common mistakes that hiring managers often make during interviews and how to avoid them.

Relying solely on technical skills

Focusing primarily on technical skills during interviews can lead to overlooking essential soft skills and cultural fit. Hiring candidates solely based on technical abilities might result in team dynamics issues and difficulty in the long run. You may think they have the ability to fulfill the role effectively, but it is just as important to evaluate how they will work with the rest of the team or within the company.


Solution: Design a balanced interview approach that evaluates both technical competencies and soft skills. Incorporate behavioral questions and hypothetical scenarios to gauge how candidates handle challenges, work in teams, and communicate effectively. Assessing a candidate’s cultural fit through situational questions and discussions about the company’s values can also provide valuable insights. What do they value, and how interested are they in your organization’s mission?

Allowing biases to influence decisions

Unconscious biases can significantly impact the hiring process, leading to the exclusion of diverse and qualified candidates based on factors such as age, gender, race, or educational background. Even though you may not be doing this on purpose, it is easy to discredit someone based on your own personal experiences and backgrounds, but doing so may hinder your organization’s ability to grow. It is also easy to favor someone who comes from the same community, college, or other background that you do.


Solution: Implement diversity and inclusion training for all hiring managers to raise awareness of unconscious biases and mitigate their impact. Use structured interview questions and standardized evaluation criteria to ensure a fair and objective assessment of all candidates. Encourage diverse panel interviews to incorporate different perspectives and reduce individual biases. Consider hiring an outside party such as an executive search firm to even the playing field.

Neglecting to showcase company culture

Failing to showcase the company’s culture and values during the interview can lead to disengaged candidates and result in a poor fit between the candidate and the organization. Additionally, it is important to sell throughout the interview to ensure the candidate will remain with you throughout the entire interview process and not be pulled in by other enticing opportunities that may come their way.


Solution: During the interview, provide insights into the company’s values, mission, and work environment. Share employee success stories and demonstrate how the company’s culture aligns with its overall objectives. Encourage candidates to ask questions about the culture to assess if it aligns with their own values and work preferences. Additionally, consider incorporating team meet-and-greet sessions to allow candidates to interact with potential colleagues and experience the company’s culture firsthand.


Planning for these common mistakes in the hiring process will not only lead to better hiring decisions but also contribute to building a strong and diverse team that can drive the organization’s success. As a hiring manager, your role is pivotal in shaping the future of the company, so approach interviews with thoughtfulness, objectivity, and an open mind to identify the best talent that will make the most impact on your organization.


About Us

If you need help hiring a leadership position for your organization, please reach out to me at nshah@ManevaGroup.com. We will schedule a no-cost, no obligation 30-minute consultation to discuss how to supercharge your recruitment efforts.
Maneva Group is a woman and minority owned national executive search firm focusing on the social sector with expertise in completely managing the recruiting process, curating diverse and exceptionally qualified candidate pools, and advising C-suite executives and board members through crucial hiring decisions.
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