Executive Talent Search & Digital Marketing for Mission-Driven Organizations | Blog


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As we come to the end of the year, many organizations I work with are reflecting on their processes and coming up with plans to improve in 2024. One huge theme has been ensuring fair and unbiased hiring practices to promote equity and inclusion in the workplace.

Unspoken Expectations are Premeditated Resentments The first time I heard the title of this article, I froze and had to reflect on

Talent Acquisition is NOT the Same as Hiring There are certain topics that I think are absolutely critical to scaling an organization

One of the most difficult decisions that a Founder can make it is to hire an inaugural CEO, President, or Executive Director to run the organization.

Are you considering a transition into the nonprofit sector? In recent years, I’ve spoken to a lot of seasoned executives who are looking to move from the for-profit sector to the nonprofit world.

We all know finding leaders who are both skilled and deeply aligned with your organization’s mission can be challenging. However, you might be overlooking a valuable resource right in front of you - your volunteers.

The Role of Networking in Nonprofit Career Advancement: Unlocking Doors to Success Networking is the cornerstone of career growth, especially in the