Executive Talent Search & Digital Marketing for Mission-Driven Organizations | Blog


Diverse Executives-Blog Page

As we come to the end of the year, many organizations I work with are reflecting on their processes and coming up with plans to improve in 2024. One huge theme has been ensuring fair and unbiased hiring practices to promote equity and inclusion in the workplace.

As we come to the end of the year, many organizations I work with are reflecting on their processes and coming up with plans to improve in 2024. One huge theme has been ensuring fair and unbiased hiring practices to promote equity and inclusion in the workplace.

Remote and hybrid work environments are not going away anytime soon. As one of my team members said last week: “When you can do laundry between meetings, that’s real power.” But many organizations are facing the challenge of fostering vibrant cultures that engage and empower their teams. Today, we will explore eight actionable strategies tailored to help you cultivate a thriving remote culture.

As an Executive or Board member, you already know that finding the right leader for your organization is crucial. From my own experience in business, I have seen conclusively that certain entrepreneurial

Recruiting for a leadership position is never an easy task. It requires time, effort, and resources to find the right candidate who possesses the necessary skills and experience to excel in the job. When it comes

As an executive search firm in the nonprofit sector, we know that hiring for a leadership position can be a complex and challenging process. Many factors come into play when selecting the right

As companies strive to build more inclusive and innovative workplaces, building a diverse candidate pool is critical. Yet, many organizations struggle to attract and hire candidates from underrepresented